Frequently asked questions.


  • A traditional style of massage aimed at removal toxins, revitalization of tissues and whole body reduction of pressure.  We use herbally medicated oils unique to your body’s needs, to boost collagen and the natural healing properties in the skin and tissues.

    Ayurveda has been using massage as a part of medicinal protocol’s for 5000yrs and is a proven method of delivering topical healing far beyond what western methods of health have explored.

  • Short answer, No. This offering is a unique fusion of Anaiya’s diverse skill set and no one else in Australia is offering this opportunity. This is your chance to be fully immersed, head to toe in plant medicine of the highest quality. The pairing of this quality of oil, with this quality of Ayurvedic Massage is something to not miss out on.

  • 100%. Every day without fail. I have seen clients with Parkinson’s disease stop shaking for over an hour when on the table covered in oil. I have seen clients beat their cystic acne of 10yrs. It has disappeared, not return and her scars are healing fast. I have witnessed women with a PCOS diagnoses be reversed. I have seen people reclaim and rewrite their entire well being story. I am proud to be a part of this every day.

  • The endocannabinoid system, ECS, is responsible for regulating and maintaining homeostasis within the body. It is a key system in the body for supporting healthy endocrine, nervous system, and immune system functions. The unjust removal of Cannabis as a medicine from our daily use 100 years ago, began a dormancy of the endocannabinoid system in humans that is still yet to be acknowledged on a global scale as the human rights issue that it is.

  • Monthly is the ideal consistency for our plant medicine massages. If you have a more chronic condition or are in need of more intensive support to awaken your endocannabinoid system, I recommend fortnightly sessions for a period of 6wks to rejuvenate and support in rebalancing faster. Monthly there after to maintain.

  • Absolutely not, at least not from anything that is offered at Ritual_Pause. It is worth mentioning however that the release of stress, lowered anxiety levels and lessened overall pressure from a plant medicine massage immersion can make you feel lighter. This is not becoming ‘high’ in anyway. This is more of a signal that it is time to check in with your how consistently you practice rituals of rest and how much respect you show your adrenal system.